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Flipping the Script: Reviving Love

On Wednesday January 19th the senate failed to change the filibuster to pass voting rights. This is a blow to democracy and the effects are felt in black, brown, and indigenous communities. In addition, Build Back Better appears to be stalled and wishing for a distant lifeline. White supremacy stormed the capital and covid stormed society at large. The stress of these uncertain times calls for communities of faith to take their place as ambassadors, advocates, and agents of love.

It is during the most difficult times that communities of faith are called to step forward to remind us of the harmony of creation. When we have moved away from the principle of loving our neighbor, communities of faith are called to re-center us. Our democracy is under attack. In essence, when we are out of right relationship with the Creator and the created, it is the call of communities of faith to re-orient us to a place of love for one another.

On January 20th, the People’s Justice Council, Alabama Interfaith Power and Light, Georgia Interfaith Power and Light, South Carolina Interfaith Power and Light, North Carolina Interfaith Power and Light, and Creation Justice Ministries launched a year of climate revivals. Thank you to Rev Emmanuel Duncan, Rev Dr Randy Woodley, Rev Adam Taylor, Karenna Gore, and Rev Lennox Yearwood who reminded us of our call to love. In this call, we leave no one out. Just as a river stretches and creates new paths to meet the needs of creation, we must do the same. They challenged us to see all of creation as our relative, including Mother Earth. We left celebrating the fact that miracles do happen. As we commit to a year of learning and building resilience, let us revive love – love for community and cosmos.

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