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"The economy is a wholly owned subsidiary of the environment, not the reverse." ~Herman E. Daly

Don't believe the greenwashing: Chipping up our Southern forests and shipping them overseas destroys both our economy and the environment that sustains it. Furthermore, our citizens' health is suffering as this environmental injustice is added to the multitude of injustices already affecting the South. Don't export our health--and livelihood--for foreign and corporate gain!


Read The People's Justice Council's position on biomass.


"There is something fundamentally wrong in treating the Earth as if it were a business in liquidation." ~Herman E. Daly


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From our partner Dogwood Alliance:

The biomass industry is expanding to meet demand, especially in the US Gulf South. Most biomass plants operate in underserved communities or communities largely made up of people of color. Drax is the second largest biomass producer in the world. They operate five plants in Alabama, Louisiana, and Mississippi. Drax’s plants emit hazardous air pollutants, harmful dust, and relentless noise. Their dirty and noisy plants release emissions that can:
  • cause cancer
  • lead to heart attacks
  • harm the lungs and worsen asthma

Our elders and children are extra sensitive to these toxic pollutants. Biomass harms the most vulnerable first and worst. Drax’s plants operate all day and night. That means communities never get a break from the nonstop pollution or noise. We’re collecting signatures to make dirty Drax clean up their act.

Let's Talk w/ Rev "Biomass in the Southeast" featuring Danna Smith and Erniko Brown

In this episode of Let's Talk w/ Rev we have a conversation with Danna Smith of Dogwood Alliance. We discuss deforestation, biomass, and environmental justice. Check it out and be sure to subscribe for more episodes. Erniko Brown is our guest co-host for this series of conversations.


Danna Smith is the co-founder and Executive Director of Dogwood Alliance, an award-winning non-profit organization that advances environmental justice and climate action by mobilizing diverse voices to defend the unique forests and communities of the Southern US. Oversee strategic planning, partnership development, communications, programs, fundraising, budget and staff management. Designed and ran a national grass-roots and media campaign that resulted in the largest companies in the office supply industry to commit to transforming their paper purchasing policies to help protect forests in the Southern US - the largest paper producing region in the world. Negotiated commitments from four of the largest paper producers in the world to improve forestry practices, increasing protection for over 90 million acres of Southern forests. Helped lead the development of an international campaign to stop the large-scale burning of wood for electricity. Published The Great American Stand: US Forests and the Climate Emergency with Pulitzer Prize winning climate scientist Dr. Boll Moomaw. Working with front-line, rural communities, connecting the dots between forests, climate and justice in the US South.

Let's Talk w/ Rev "Biomass and Deforestation in the South" with guest Katherine Egland

In this episode of Let's Talk w/ Rev we have as our special guest, Katherine Egland. Mrs Egland is a matriarch in the Environmental Justice Movement. She is also the co-founder of EEECHO, Education, Economics, Environmental, Climate and Health Organization. EEECHO is a coalition of diverse, consensus-based group of educational, economics, health, environmental justice, climate justice, religious, and policy advocates and professionals that represent the interest of building better communities. Today, we talk Biomass and Deforestation in the South. Our guest co-host is Erniko Brown of Dogwood Alliance.

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